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15 Januari 2013 / Dibaca 4239 kali

Our Partners


In order to improve performance and professionalism of human resources working in the public sector, especially those relating to accounting, budgeting, financial state, public and audit accountability, BPKP CSET has been working with other government agencies to conduct training.


Implementation of training can be done in CSET, where the user agency or elsewhere as agreed.
Here are some of those partners:

  • Constitutional Court
  • Supreme Court
  • Indonesian National Police
  • Army Headquarters
  • Army Navy Headquarters
  • The Inspectorate General of the Department of Transportation
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Finance
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of National Education
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Health
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
  • The Inspectorate General of the Department of Public Works
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Forestry
  • The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Education and Training Center
  • The Inspectorate General of the Ministry of Industry and Education and Training Center
  • The Inspectorate General of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Agency for Aceh and Nias
  • National Narcotics Agency
  • State Intelligence Agency
  • The Corruption Eradication Commission
  • Regional Control Agency of DKI Jakarta Province
  • Board of Trustees of Tangerang
  • PT (Persero) Pelindo II
  • PT Krakatau Steel
  • Regional Water Company (PDAM) Bengkulu
  • PAM Jaya
Pusdiklatwas BPKP
Jl. Beringin II, Pandansari, Ciawi, Bogor 16720
Telp. (0251) 8249 001 - 8249 003 (Sentral)
Fax. (0251) 8248 986 - 8248 987
Email: pusdiklatwas@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Fungsional Auditor
Telp/Fax: (0251) 824 8473
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3jfa@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Teknis Substansi dan Kedinasan
Telp/Fax: (0251) (0251) 8249 004
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3kt@bpkp.go.id