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15 Januari 2013 / Dibaca 3622 kali

Accreditation for Training


According to the decree of Head of LAN No. 321/I/10/8/2007 April 16, 2007, CSET  has received   Accreditation for Training as follows:

1. Managerial Control Technical Training
2. Technical Training on Procurement of Goods and Services
3. Technical Training on Procurement of Goods and Services Audit
4. Auditor Controller Restructuring Technical Training
5. Quality Control Auditor Training Restructuring
According to the decree Head of LAN No. 522/I/10/8/2005 dated June 27, 2005, CSET has been awarded  accreditation for the following training:

1. Skilled Auditor Training Establishment
2. Expert Auditor Training Establishment
3. Formation Auditor Training Team Leader
According to the decree from Head of LAN No. 875/I/10/8/2004 dated December 16, 2004, CAET has been  awarded  Accreditation for Pre-Job Training and Leadership:

1. Pre-Job Training Category I
2. Pre-Job Training Faction II
3. Leadership Training Level III
4. Leadership Training Level IV

Pusdiklatwas BPKP
Jl. Beringin II, Pandansari, Ciawi, Bogor 16720
Telp. (0251) 8249 001 - 8249 003 (Sentral)
Fax. (0251) 8248 986 - 8248 987
Email: pusdiklatwas@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Fungsional Auditor
Telp/Fax: (0251) 824 8473
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3jfa@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Teknis Substansi dan Kedinasan
Telp/Fax: (0251) (0251) 8249 004
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3kt@bpkp.go.id