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15 Januari 2013 / Dibaca 4002 kali

Organizational Structure and HR Support

In accordance with the Decree of Head BPKP number: Kep-06-00.00-080/K/2001 dated February 20, 2001, BPKP Center for Supervisory Education and Training  organizational structure is as follows:
HR Support
By  October 2014 CSET BPKP  has 121 employees which composition  are  according the  office structure as follows:
1. Structural Officials  

a. Echelon II,

1 person

b. Echelon III    

4 people

c. Echelon IV

11 people
2. Functional Officials Senior Lecturer 18 people
3. Functional Employment Analyst  1 person
4. Functional Officials Archivists 3 people
5. Functional Officials Auditors 26 people
6. Functional Officials Computer Programmer 4 people
7. General Functional Officials 50 people
8. Doctor 2 people
9. State Officials 1 person
  Total 121 people


Meanwhile, when viewed by the composition of education it is  as follows:

1. Strata 3 3 people
2. Strata 2 33 people
3. Strata 1/Diploma IV      30 people
3. Diploma III 13 people
4. Senior High School   41 people
5. Junior High School -
6. Primary School    1 persons
Total  121 people


Pusdiklatwas BPKP
Jl. Beringin II, Pandansari, Ciawi, Bogor 16720
Telp. (0251) 8249 001 - 8249 003 (Sentral)
Fax. (0251) 8248 986 - 8248 987
Email: pusdiklatwas@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Fungsional Auditor
Telp/Fax: (0251) 824 8473
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3jfa@bpkp.go.id

Bidang Penyelenggaraan Diklat Teknis Substansi dan Kedinasan
Telp/Fax: (0251) (0251) 8249 004
Email: pusdiklatwas.p3kt@bpkp.go.id